Scientific Rationale

    Atmospheric Aerosols, known as particulate matter are solid or liquid particles suspended in the air. These aerosols originate from both natural (sea salt, desert dust, volcanic eruption and forest fire) and anthropogenic sources (fossil fuels, biomass and biofuel burning, vehicular emissions, industrial emissions etc). In the recent past, due to the rapid economic growth, a vast expansion of Industrialization and urbanization, fast development of infrastructure, the air pollution and aerosols have been tremendously increasing. All these have significant impact on regional/global air quality, visibility degradation, cloud formation, and atmospheric chemistry, radiation budget, ecosystem, Himalayan climate, and glaciology, cryosphere, monsoon patterns, water availability including human health. The northern part of India, especially the Indo-Gangetic plain (IGP) and adjacent Himalayan is considered as one of the global hot spots of pollutions due to various natural and anthropogenic emissions. Throughout the year, this region is affected by pollution from various sources. During the pre-monsoon/summer, frequent dust storms were observed over the region and as a consequence a very high concentration of aerosols and air pollutants. Further, during the post-monsoon and winter months, the region has received very worst air quality due to the significant contribution of crop reduce/biomass and biofuel burning. The pollution in the IGP and Gangetic Himalayan region is an important topic in India, Nepal and Bangladesh. The black carbon deposition on the glaciers in the Himalayas is also of major importance.

    In view of the above, the ARIES, Nainital and Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Central University (HNBGU) Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal, plan to jointly organize a three day online International Conference on “Aerosol Air Quality, Climate Change and Impact on Water Resources and Livelihoods in the Greater Himalayas” on 14 - 16 September 2020.

Organized by

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES)
An autonomous institute under the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India),
Nainital, Uttarakhand

In Collaboration with

Department of Physics
Hemvati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University (A Central University)
Srinagar, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES)


● Atmospheric Aerosols, Aerosol Chemistry, Air Pollution
● Growing air pollution over Indo-Gangetic Plains and Himalayan Glaciers, Network Measurements
● Climate change impacts on Himalayan Glacier and Monsoon over the Himalayas
● Source apportionment in Indo-Gangetic Plain and Gangetic Himalayan Region
● Winter/Summer Crop burning and impact on Himalayan Resource
● Extreme Events (Dust Storms, Cloud Burst, Rainfall, earthquakes)
● Coupling of Ocean-Land and Himalayan
● Application of geospatial Techniques

Dates & Deadlies

14-16 September, 2020

The conference will be conducted through an online platform. The morning session will be from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and the afternoon session will be from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Last date for Registration and Abstract Submission: 06 September 2020

Publications: Reviewed Presentation will be published on "Thematic Issues" in the Journal of Earth System Science sponser.

Call for Papers

You can mail at for any type of quarry.

Invited Speakers

● Prof Arnico Panday (Invited Keynote Spekers, CEO of Nepal based Ullens Education Foundation; ULLENS)
● Professor Daniel Rosenfeld (Invited keynote Spekers, ISRAEL)
● Prof. V. Faye McNeill (Invited Keynote Spekers, Columbia University)
● Prof. Nikolaos Mihalopoulos (Invited, NOA, Greece)PM-induced oxidative potential, chemical composition and sources of aerosols: results from long-term measurements in Athens, Greece.
● Prof. Elena Surovyatkina (Invited: Potsdam) Tipping elements approach for forecasting onset and withdrawal of Indian Summer Monsoon: climate change and air quality impacts
● Prof. Philip Hopke (Invited, USA) Source Apportionment in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and Transboundary Pollution
● Prof. S. N. Tripathi (Invited: IIT, Kanpur) Sensor-based Streaming Analytics and Near-Real Time source Apportionment of Air Pollution
● Prof. Ram Sagar (Invited: IIA, Bangalore) Observational facilities in the field of atmospheric science at ARIES
● Prof. Neeraj Rastogi (Invited: PRL, India) Brown Carbon Aerosols Characteristics over the Indo-Gangetic Plain
● Prof. Shubha Verma (Invited, IIT Kharaghpur) Simulation of black carbon, and other aerosol species over the Hindukush-Himalayan region and their impact on glaciers
● Prof. V. Vinoj ( Invited, IIT Bhuwneshwar) Aerosol loading over the Indo-Gangetic Plains and its link to changing climate and land use over the Thar Desert and Rajasthan
● Dr. Pradeep Khatri (Invited, Japan) Aerosol characteristics and their radiative effects over different atmospheric backgrounds studied by using multiyear skyradiometer data of multiple sites
● Prof. Kirpa Ram (Invited Spekers, BHU, India), Chemical characteristics and optical properties of aerosols in the Himalaya
● Professor Harish Chandra Nainwal (Invited, HNBGU, India)
● Dr Dimitris G Kaskaoutis (Invited Spekers Greece)
● Dr. Manish Naja (Invited ARIES, India)
● Dr. Narendra Singh (Invited, ARIES, India)
● Prof. Ritesh Gautam (Invited USA) Absorbing Aerosols, Snow Albedo and Darkening of the Himalayan Cryosphere
● Prof. A. P. Dimri (Invited, India)
● Dr. V K Soni (Invited, IMD, Delhi India)
● Prof. Rakesh K Hooda (Invited, FMI)


Updated Soon!


Updated Soon!

Abstract of Talks

Updated Soon!

Scientific Advisory Board

● Prof. Annpurna Nautiyal (Vice-Chancellor, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar Uttarakhand)
● Prof. Elena surovyatkina (Scientist, Potsdam, Germany)
● Dr. Dimitris G. Kaskautis (Scientist, Greece)
● Prof. Manoj K. Srivastava (Professor BHU, India)
● Dr. S. Suresh Babu (Scientist, SPL,VSSC, India)
● Dr. Manish Naja (Scientist, ARIES)
● Dr. Narendra Singh (Scientist, ARIES)
● Dr. U. C. Dumka (Scientist, ARIES)

Local Organizing Committee

● Prof R C Dimri, Dean School of Sciences, HNBGU
● Prof P D Semalty, Head, Department of Physics, HNBGU
● Prof S C Bhatt
● Dr. Manish Naja
● Dr. Narendra Singh
● Prof T C Upadhayay
● Dr. Tushar Kandari,
● Dr. Poonam Semwal
● Mr. Sanjit Sahu
● Mr. Javed Alam
● Mr. Pavan Tiwari
● Dr. U. C. Dumka- Convener, ARIES Nainital
● Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam-Convener, HNBGU Srinagar

Scientific Organizing Committee

● Prof. Philip K. Hopke
● Prof. Maheswar Rupakheti
● Dr. Dimitris G. Kaskaoutis
● Dr. Manish Naja
● Dr. Narendra Singh
● Dr. Ritesh Gautam
● Dr. Rakesh Hooda
● Dr. Vinay Kumar
● Dr. Devendraa Siingh
● Prof. V. Vinoj
● Prof. R C Ramola
● Dr. Neeraj Rastogi
● Dr. Kirpa Ram
● Dr. J. C. Kuniyal
● Dr. Suresh Tiwari
● Dr. Atul Srivastava
● Dr. U. C. Dumka-Convener, Aries Nainital
● Dr. Alok Sagar Gautam- Convener, HNBGU