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- Waves in a Polar Coronal HoleBanerjee, D., 2010, Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun,edited by S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten; Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. Publishedby Springer Berlin Heidelberg; ISBN 978-3-642-02858-8
- Statistical Detection of Propagating Waves in a Polar Coronal HoleGupta, G. R., O’Shea, E., Banerjee, D., Popescu, M., Doyle, J. G., 2010, Magnetic Cou-pling between the Interior and Atmosphere of the Sun, edited by S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten;Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings. Published by Springer Berlin Heidelberg; ISBN978-3-642-02858-8
- Observational review on global wavesBanerjee, D., Waves & Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere: Heating and Magneto-Seismology,Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union (2007), 3:369-376 Cambridge UniversityPress, doi:10.1017/S1743921308015111
- Off-limb coronal loop dynamics as seen from CDS, EIT and TRACEBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G.: SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Proceed-ings of the conference held 7-12 May, 2006 at Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy. Edited by H. Lacosteand L. Ouwehand. ESA SP-617. European Space Agency, 2006. Published on CDROM, p.83.1
- The Signature of Moving Magnetic Feature in the Solar AtmosphereLin, C.-H., Banerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G.: SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond,Proceedings of the conference held 7-12 May, 2006 at Giardini Naxos, Sicily, Italy. Edited byH. Lacoste and L. Ouwehand. ESA SP-617. European Space Agency, 2006. Published onCDROM,
- Propagating Waves in Off-Limb Polar RegionsO’Shea, E.,Banerjee, D., Doyle, J. G., Proceedings of the 11th European Solar PhysicsMeeting “The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations” (ESA SP-600). 11-16 September 2005, Leuven, Belgium. Editors: D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof and J.Andries. Published on CDROM., p.91.1
- Variation of Line Widths in Polar Off-Limb RegionsBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G., Proceedings of the 11th European Solar PhysicsMeeting ”The Dynamic Sun: Challenges for Theory and Observations” (ESA SP-600). 11-16September 2005, Leuven, Belgium. Editors: D. Danesy, S. Poedts, A. De Groof and J. Andries.Published on CDROM., p.43.1
- Detection of Waves in the Equatorial Coronal HolesBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G., Proceedings of the International Scientific Conferenceon Chromospheric and Coronal
Magnetic Fields (ESA SP-596). 30 August - 2 September 2005,D. Banerjeep. 6Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany. Editors: D.E. Innes, A. Lagg S.K. Solanki, Published onCDROM, p.41.1
- Detection of Long Period waves in the Polar Coronal Holes Banerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G., Poedts, S., Proceedings of the SOHO 15 Workshop- Coronal Heating. 6-9 September 2004, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK (ESA SP-575). Editors:R.W. Walsh, J. Ireland, D. Danesy, B. Fleck. Paris: European Space Agency, 2004., p.136
- Coronal Oscillations in the Vicinity of a Sunspot as Observed by GIS/CDSLin, C. H., Banerjee, D., Doyle, J. G., O’Shea, E., Proceedings of the SOHO 15 Workshop- Coronal Heating. 6-9 September 2004, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK (ESA SP-575). Editors:R.W. Walsh, J. Ireland, D. Danesy, B. Fleck. Paris: European Space Agency, 2004., p.416
- Variation of Line Widths in Coronal Hole Off-Limb Regions: Evidence for Long-Term Struc-turing in PlumesO’Shea, E., Banerjee, D., Doyle, G.Proceedings of the SOHO 15 Workshop - Coronal Heat-ing. 6-9 September 2004, St. Andrews, Scotland, UK (ESA SP-575). Editors: R.W. Walsh, J.Ireland, D. Danesy, B. Fleck. Paris: European Space Agency,
2004., p.142
- Active region oscillations as observed by CDS, EIT and TRACEBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., DeGroof, A., & Poedts, S., Proceedings of ’SOHO 13 - Waves,Oscillations and Small-Scale Transient Events in the Solar Atmosphere: A Joint View fromSOHO and TRACE’. 29 September - 3 October 2003, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands,Spain
(ESA SP-547, January 2004). Compiled by: H. Lacoste, p.39
- CMEs and CME Shock Evolution on Different Background WindsVan der Holst, B., Poedts, S., Jacobs, C., Chane, E., Chattopadhyay, I., Shapakidze, D.,Banerjee, D., American Astronomical Society Meeting 204, no.67.09
- Active region oscillations as observed by CDS, EIT and TRACEBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., DeGroof, A., & Poedts, S., Proceedings of ‘SOHO 13; Waves,oscillations and small scale transient events in the solar atmosphere, A joint view of SOHO andTRACE’, 29 September-3 October 2003, Palma de Mallorca (Spain), ESA SP-547, 2004,
- Simulation of shock waves in the interplanetary mediumPoedts, S., van der Holst, B., Chattopadhyay, I., Banerjee, D., van Lier, T. & Keppens, R.,Proceedings of ‘Solar variability as an input to the Earth’s environment’. International SolarCycle Studies (ISCS) Symposium, 23 - 28 June 2003, Tatransk Lomnica, Slovak Republic.
Ed.:A. Wilson. ESA SP-535, 2003, 603-612
- Slow MAG waves in the sunspot umbra as observed by CDS/SOHOBanerjee D., O’Shea E., Poedts S., Goossens M., Doyle J.G., Proceedings of IAU Colloquium188 ‘Magnetic Coupling of the Solar Atmosphere’, ESA SP-505, 2003, 187-190
- On the nature of umbral oscillations : theory and observations by CDS/SOHOBanerjee D., O’Shea E., Poedts S., Goossens M., Doyle J.G., Proceedings of 10th EuropeanSolar Physics Meeting, ESA SP-506, 2003, 427-430
- Transition region small-scale dynamics: UV explosive eventsTeriaca. L., Flachi, A., Doyle, J.G., Madjarska, M.S. Banerjee, D., Proceedings of 10thEuropean Solar Physics Meeting, ESA SP-506, 2003, 777-780
- Axisymmetric magnetized winds and stellar spin-downvan der Holst, B., Banerjee, D., Keppens , R., Poedts, S., Proceedings of 10th European SolarPhysics Meeting, ESA SP-506, 2003, 75-78
- Long Period Oscillations in Polar coronal holes as observed by CDS on SOHOBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J.G., & Goossens, M., Proceedings of the Yohkoh 10thAnniversary Meeting (COSPAR Colloquia Series, Vol 13), Jan 20-24, 2002, 19-22
- Dynamics of the Solar transition region as seen from SoHOBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J.G., & Goossens, M., Proceedings of the Udaipur meeting,October 2001, Bulletin Of Astronomical Society of India, (in press)
- Observational results of Coronal and Transition region oscillations (Invited review)Banerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J.G., & Goossens, M., Proceedings of the INTAS Workshop,Palma de Mallorca, 9 May 2001, 21-30
- Long period waves in the polar plumes as observed by CDSBanerjee, D. O’Shea, E. & Doyle, J.G., Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun andHeliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions, International AstronomicalUnion. Symposium no. 203., 2001, IAU S203, 92.D. Banerjeep. 7
- SUMER observations of the solar transition region. Spatial and temporal behaviorTeriaca, L., Doyle, J. G. & Banerjee, D., Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun andHeliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and other Space Missions, International AstronomicalUnion. Symposium no. 203., 2001, IAU S203, 156.
- On the Nature of Network OscillationsBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J.G., Goossens, M., & Fleck, B. Proc. SOHO10/ GONG2000 workshop, January 2001, ESA SP-464, 175.
- Long period oscillations in the polar plumesBanerjee, D., O’Shea, E., Doyle, J.G., & Goossens, M., Workshop on Waves in Dusty, Solarand Space Plasmas, AIP conference Proceedings 2000, 537, 160.
- New Insight in Transition Region Dynamics, Doppler shift in an Active Region and in the Quiet SunTeriaca, L., Banerjee, D., & Doyle, J. G. Ninth European Meeting on Solar Physics: Magnetic Fields and Solar Processes., (1999), ed. A. Wilson, Proceedings published in ESA SP Series(SP-448), 77
- Active region oscillationsO’Shea, E., Doyle, J. G., & Banerjee, D., 1999, Proceedings published in ESA SP-448, 35
- Oscillations in Chromospheric Network bright points Banerjee, D., Doyle, J.G. & O’Shea, E. ‘Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differ-ences’ ASP Conf. Series, 158, 297 (1999)
- SUMER Observations of Doppler Shift on Quiet Sun and Active RegionTeriaca, L., Doyle, J.G. and Banerjee, D., ‘Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differ-ences’, ASP Conf. Series, 158, 362 (1999)
- Alfv’en Waves in the Solar polar coronal holesBanerjee, D., Teriaca, L. & Doyle, J.G. ‘Solar Wind 9’ American Institute of Physics conf.series 471, 289 (1999)
- Line width variations above the Solar Coronal Hole: Implications for heatingDoyle, J.G., Teriaca, L. & Banerjee, D. Solar and Stellar Activity: Similarities and Differ-ences’, ASP Conf. Series, 158, 366 (1999)
- Dynamical Nature of the Quiet Solar outer atmosphereBanerjee, D., Doyle, J.G., O’Shea, E. & van den Oord, G.H.J Proceedings of ‘High ResolutionSolar Physics: Theory,
Observations and techniques’, ASP Conf. Series, 183, 389 (1999)
- The Dynamical Nature of the chromosphereBanerjee, D., Doyle, J.G & O’Shea, E. ‘ A Crossroads for European Solar and
HeliosphericPhysics’, ESA SP-417 , June 1998, 333-336.
- Line width Variations in the Solar Polar Coronal HolesTeriaca, L .,Banerjee, D., & Doyle , J. G. ESHP Conf. Proceedings, ESA SP-417, June 1998,329-332.
- Coronal heating by magnetic kink wavesBanerjee, D. , Choudhuri, A.R., & Dikpati, M. 1998 Pacific Rim Conference on Stellar As-trophysics ASP conference series, 138, eds. Chan et al.
- The Influence of a magnetic field on radiative damping of magnetoatmospheric oscillationsBanerjee, D., Hasan, S. S. & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., 1998 ,F.-L Deubner et al. (eds), NewEyes to See inside the Sun and Stars, Proceedings of IAU Symp. 185, 423-426.
- The influence of magnetic field on oscillations in an isothermal radiative atmosphere.Banerjee, D., Hasan, S. S. & Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., 1997, 277-280, in: ProceedingsSCORE’96 workshop: Convection, eds F. P. Pijpers., Kluwer