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Conference Proceedings


Conference Proceedings



The first authors of presentations (both oral and poster presentations) are invited to submit a manuscript for the proceedings of the 3rd BINA workshop. They will be published in the Bulletin of Liège Royal Society of Sciences (an open-access, peer-reviewed online journal).

General guidelines

This  tarball contains the adequate latex template to be used to prepare the papers for the proceedings of the 3rd BINA workshop.

- Please do not change the general layout of the template.

- There is a recommended page limit of 5, 8, and 12 pages (excluding bibliography) for proceedings articles of posters, contributed talks, and invited talks, respectively.

- All names in the author list should be written as full first name(s) + full surname (e.g. "Peter De Cat")

- The manuscripts should be compiled using "pdflatex".

- Bibliographic references should appear as in the examples inserted in the template. It is required to make use of bibtex, using the bibliographic style file (.bst) provided in the template. The most convenient approach consists in importing bibtex entries (easily accessible in the ADS) in the extra.bib file, before compiling the manuscript using both pdflatex and bibtex executables. For journal names, please make use of the usual abbreviations listed in JournalAbbreviations.txt.

- All figures should be in pdf format. Figures from previous publications can be used only with the permission of the editorial committee of the original publication. In this case, the caption of the re-used figure should contain the following words: "Taken from ???? with permission" (or any equivalent formulation). Proof of this permission must also be provided by the authors to the proceedings editorial committee.

The pdf file should be submitted before May 31, 2023 to the editorial committee of the 3rd BINA workshop by sending it by e-mail to and the same will be forwarded to the guest editor of the session of your presentation. The guest editors will appoint referees for the submitted papers.

Once accepted, the manuscripts, including the latex file and the figures in pdf format, will be sent to Michaël De Becker (, who will take care of the final minor editing (if needed).

Once published, all proceedings papers will be entered into the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) to ease their accessibility to the international scientific community.