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Powers and Duties

About The Institute

Situated adjacent to the picturesque hill town of Nainital, ARIES ( an acronym of Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences ) is one of the leading research Institutes which specializes in observational Astronomy & Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences. The main research interests of Astronomy & Astrophysics division are in solar, planetary, stellar, galactic and extra-galactic astronomy including stellar variabilities, X-ray binaries, star clusters, nearby galaxies, quasars, and inherently transient events like supernovae and highly energetic gammaray bursts.Research focus in Atmospheric Sciences division is mainly in the lower part of the atmosphere and covers the studies on aerosols and trace gases.Moreover, to strengthen the scientific contribution the Institute has extended its horizon to theoretical and numerical studies in Relativistic Astrophysics..


A- Duties of the Director:

1 - The Director shall be the Chief Executive of the Institute and shall be responsible for the day to day management of its academic activities and overall administration of the Institute. He shall discharge the responsibilities in accordance with the Rules and Bye-laws of the Institute and any instructions issued by the Council from time to time.

2 - Control of the staff: All members of the staff of the institute shall be under the general control of the Director who may issue standing orders from time to time.

3- Supervision of work: The Director shall exercise general supervision over the programme of work and the research projects of the Institute and of the Academic staff.

4- Co-ordination of work: The Director may call for the general plan of work of each division, section or group or individual as the case may be at the beginning of each year or at any other time he may consider necessary and coordinate the work of the various divisions or sections of the Institute.

5- Annual Reports: The Director shall submit the Annual Report of the Institute along with the audited statement of accounts to the Council and the General Body within 6 months of the end of the preceding financial year. After due consideration, the Council/General Body shall cause the same to be forwarded to the Central Government.

6 - The Director will in consultation with the Chairperson nominate an officer to carry out the current duties of the Director when he is away on tour or on deputation or is absent on leave of any kind or otherwise.

B - Duties of Scientific and Senior Technical staff:

1- Scientific and Senior Technical staff shall participate in and supervise work in their respective divisions, schemes/projects as per the guidelines issued by the Council from time to time. Each officer shall submit periodical reports on the work of his division etc. to the Director. There shall be at least one report in the course of a year.

2 - Research Programmes: Every Scientific and Senior Technical staff shall submit to the Director from time to time or when called upon to do so his own research programme(s) and that of the members of the staff and students working with him.

3- Sanction of Work: All new schemes of research to be conducted at the Institute, which may involve any expenditure shall be submitted to the Director for getting the sanction of the competent authority.

C - Duties of the Librarian:

1-Library Rules: The rules for the management of the Library shall be framed from time to time as may be found necessary by the Library Committee appointed by the Director to be responsible for the proper functioning of the Library. The Library Committee shall be constituted by the Director at the beginning of each year.

2-Responsibility for custody of the Library: The Librarian shall be responsible for the custody of books, manuscripts, periodicals, equipments etc. belonging to the Library, and shall maintain a complete register and index. The librarian would be the overall-in- charge of the library and shall ensure its proper functioning. The purchase of books and journals for the library will be recommended by the Library Committee for approval by the Director.

3-Purchase of Books: The Librarian shall be responsible for purchase of books approved by the Library Committee or the Director.

4-Stock Taking: The Librarian shall take stock every year of all books in the Library and submit a report thereon. The Library Committee may assign personnel to check the report. The report will be put up before the Director, through the Head of the Library Committee.

D - Duties of the Registrar:

1-Work under general control of the Director: In all matters concerning the Institute he shall act under the general control and orders of the Director. The Registrar shall also be the Chief Finance and Accounts Officer for the Institute.

2-Secretarial Work: The Registrar shall assist the Director in all work connected with meetings of the Council and General Body.3-Correspondence: The Registrar shall be in-charge of correspondence relating to administration and finances of the Institute, subject to the instructions of the Director.

4-Office Management: The Registrar will be in charge of the administrative and Secretarial staff and of the general maintenance staff of the Institute.

5-Maintenance of the Premises: The Registrar will look after the maintenance and upkeep of the premises and the property of the Institute.

6- Annual Budget Estimates: The Registrar shall prepare the draft of the Budget estimates of the Institute for submission to the Finance Committee.

7- Director may also assign any other duties/responsibilities connected with the management of the
Institute to the Registrar if required.

E- Duties of other Staff Members:

The duties of other Staff Members shall be as prescribed by the Director. They will work under the control of the Director in accordance with standing instructions issued by him from time to time.

1 - Contribution to Scientific periodicals: Contributions to Scientific journals resulting from work carried on at the Institute by members of the staff of the institute shall contain the Institute's name. A copy of every such contribution shall be sent to the Library after it is accepted for publication. No contribution which may relate to classified or confidential material shall be made without the prior approval of the Director.

F- Extra-mural Lectures: Members of the staff of the Institute may, with the prior permission of the Director accept invitations to give lectures in their field of work to universities or learned societies provided such lectures do not interfere with their work at the Institute.

G -Examinerships and other Academic Commitments: Members of the staff of the Institute may, if invited to do so and with the prior approval of the Director, accept Consultancy, offers of Book Writing or University examiner ships, the last one normally only for post-graduate degrees or an examination of equivalent status.

H- Defaults: Non-observance of any of the provisions of ABOVE by a staff to whom the provisions applyshall
be treated as misconduct.