S4-P1 |
Alok Durgapal (KU, Nainital) |
Search of variable stars in open clusters |
S4-P2 |
Anju Panthi (BITS, Pilani) |
Study of BMP stars using UVIT/AstroSat  |
S4-P3 |
Athul Dileep (ARIES) |
Exploring the Nainital-Cape Survey Stars with TESS
S4-P4 |
A. S. Hojaev (UBAI, Uzbekistan) |
Study for variable stars in King 18  |
S4-P5 |
Jeewan C. Pandey (ARIES) |
X-ray study of a disc-overflow system TX Col
S4-P6 |
Katrien Kolenberg (KU Leuven) |
Study of RR Lyrae stars |
S4-P7 |
Kaushar Vaidya (BITS, Pilani) |
Blue Straggler Stars of NGC 7789 and NGC 2506 using AstroSat/UVIT
S4-P8 |
Komal Chand (BITS, Pilani) |
Characterisations of hot populations of Berkeley 39 open cluster using UVOT/Swift 
S4-P9 |
Khushboo Kunwar Rao (BITS, Pilani) |
Blue straggler stars: setting up a dynamical clock for open clusters 
S4-P10 |
Jayanand Maurya (PRL) |
Probing stellar evolution properties through variable stars in open cluster NGC 381
S4-P11 |
Mrinmoy Sarkar (ARIES) |
Time-Resolved TESS Photometry of HD 118660 |
S4-P12 |
Priya Hasan (Maulana Azad National Urdu University) |
Binary fraction in Star Clusters |
S4-P13 |
Arvind K. Dattatrey (ARIES) |
UVIT/Astrosat studies of blue straggler star in NGC 362- detection of extremely low mass white dwarf |
S4-P14 |
Sadhana Singh (ARIES) |
Polarimetric Approach towards Membership Probability  |
S4-P15 |
Sneh Lata (ARIES) |
Detection of variable stars in the Galactic globular cluster M15 |
S4-P16 |
Srinivas M. Rao (ARIES) |
Change in accretion flow in the Intermediate Polar, V709 Cas |
S4-P17 |
Subhajeet Karmakar (MIRA, USA) |
Astrosat investigation of X-ray flares on two active K-M systems: CC Eri and AB Dor |
S4-P18 |
Subhajeet Karmakar (MIRA, USA) |
Spectroscopic Investigation of stellar atmosphere from MIRA/OOS
S4-P19 |
Yogesh Chandra Joshi (ARIES) |
Investigation of orbital-period changes of the short-period eclipsing binaries 
S4-P20 |
Diya Ram (SNBNCBS) |
Magnetic Activity of M-dwarfs |
S4-P21 |
Rajib Kumbhakar (SNBNCBS) |
Photometric Variability of Young Brown Dwarfs and Very Low Mass Stars in the Taurus Star Forming Region