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Statistics, Data Mining, and Machine Learning in Astronom

Željko Ivezic et al.

Oxford University Press (OUP)

2. The Story of Collapsing Stars: Black Holes, Naked Singularities, and the Cosmic Play of Quantum Gravit Pankaj S. Joshi OUP
3. Chi-Squared Data Analysis and Model Testing for Beginners Carey Witkov, Keith Zengel OUP
4. Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Methods & Concepts (2nd edn) Chun Wa Wong OUP
5. The Large-Scale Structure of the Universe P. J. E. Peebles OUP
6. Living with the Stars: How the Human Body is Connected to the Life Cycles of the Earth,the Planets, and the Stars Karel Schrijver, Iris Schrijver OUP
7. Galaxies: Formation and Evolution Francoise Combes Wiley
8. Radiative Processes in Astrophysics George B. Rybicki Wiley
9. Active Galactic Nuclei Francoise Combes Wiley
10. Formation and Evolution of Exoplanets Dr. Rory Barnes (editor) Wiley
11. Interferometry and Synthesis in Radio Astronomy A. Richard Thompson, James M. Moran, George W. Swenson Jr. Wiley
12. Magnetic Processes in Astrophysics: Theory, Simulations, Experiments Prof. Günther Rüdiger, Dr. Leonid L. Kitchatinov, Prof. Rainer Hollerbach Wiley
13. Stellar Polarimetry Dr. David Clarke Wiley
14. Relativistic Jets from Active Galactic Nuclei Prof. Markus Böttcher, Dr. Daniel E. Harris, Prof. Henric Krawczynski (editors) Wiley
15. Accreting Binaries: Nature, formation, and evolution Sylvain Chaty IOP
16. Dust in the Galactic Environment (Third Edition) D C B Whittet IOP
17. Great Mysteries in Astrophysics: A guide to what we don't know Nicole M Lloyd-Ronning IOP
18. New Windows on the Universe: Advances in multimessenger astronomy Saeqa Dil Vrtilek IOP
19. Astrophysics of Red Supergiants Emily M Levesque IOP
20. Modeling and Analysis of Eclipsing Binary Stars: The theory and design principles of PHOEBE Andrej Prša IOP
21. Life With Hubble: An insider's view of the world's most famous telescope David S Leckrone IOP
22. Principles of Multimessenger Astronomy Miroslav D Filipović and Nicholas F H Tothill IOP
23. Experimental Astrophysics Elia Stefano Battistelli IOP
24. Active Galactic Nuclei: Fueling and feedback Françoise Combes IOP
25. An Introduction to Stellar Magnetic Activity Gibor Basri IOP
26. Galaxy Morphology B W Holwerda IOP