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Recruitment Advt. for various Technical & Administrative Posts-2023


In continuation of advertisement published in the Employment News dated 04-10 Feb, 2023 is hereby amended as under. The online applications are invited for the following posts:

Sl. No. Post and
Pay Scale
Maximum Age No. Of Post Category Link to Apply
1 Engineering Assistant
Level 5 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 29200-92300)
27 years 2 SC-01
2 Junior Engg. Asstt. (Electronics)
Level 4 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 25500-81100)
27 years 3 EWS-01
3 Junior Engg. Asstt. (Electrical)
Level 4 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 25500-81100)
27 years 1 EWS-01
4 Junior Scientific Assistant
Level 4 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 25500-81100)
27 years 3 UR-02
5 Personal Assistant
Level 6 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 35400-112400)
30 years 1 UR-01 APPLY NOW
6 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS)
Level 1 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 18000-56900)
25 years 1 ST-01 APPLY NOW
7 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) - [Technical]
Level 1 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 18000-56900)
25 years 3 UR-03 APPLY NOW
8 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) - [Technical]
Level 1 of Pay Matrix
(Rs. 18000-56900)
25 years 1 OBC-01 APPLY NOW
9 Junior Officer (on Contract basis)
Consolidated Pay of Rs. 35400 (Basic)+DA
as per Govt. norms from time to time.
30 years 1 NA APPLY NOW
Sl.No. Name of Post Pay Level Maximum Age No. Of Post Category Educational Qualification and Experience Place of Posting
1 Engineering Assistant 5 27 years 02 SC-01
  1. Essential: Diploma of 3 years duration in Electronics/Computer Science Engineering from a recognized board with 3 years experience in the relevant field.
  2. Desirable for Computers: Programming language C/Java/Python; Web design & development skills; Knowledge of Unix operating system, computer network, firewall, database etc.
  3. Desirable for Electronics: Computer aided circuit schematic development, PCB development and debugging, knowledge of analog electronics, digital electronics, electonic drives, mircocontrollers, embedded systems etc.
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
2 Junior Engg. Asstt. (Electronics) 4 27 years 03 EWS-01
  1. Essential: Two years ITI Certificate in Electronics with minimum 2 years post qualification experience in the same trade.
  2. Desirable: PCB schematic drawing, soldering, working knowledge of lab tools like oscilloscopes, and function generators. Computer literacy in documents and spreadsheets.
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
3 Junior Engg. Asstt. (Electrical) 4 27 years 01 EWS-01
  1. Essential: Two years ITI Certificate in Electrical with minimum 2 years post qualification experience in the same trade.
  2. Desirable: Holding valid Electrical License of Electrician/Electrical Engineering.
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
4 Junior Scientific Assistant 4 27 years 03 UR-02
B.Sc. With Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects and 02 years post qualification experience in scientific institute/laboratory in the relevant field. ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
5 Personal Assistant 6 30 years 01 UR-01
  1. Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or its equivalent.
  2. Speed in short hand @80 w.p.m. In English. The dictation will be given for 10 minutes which will be transcribed in 50 minutes.
  3. The typing speed of 35 w.p.m. In English on Computer. (35 w.p.m. Correspond to 10500 KDPH on an average of 5 key depressions for each word)
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
6 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) 1 25 years 01 ST-01
  1. 10th class pass or equivalent qualification from a recognized Board or University.
  2. Should have a typing speed of 30 w.p.m. (corresponds to 9000 KDPH on an average of 5 key depression for each word) in English/Hindi
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
7 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) - [Technical] 1 25 years 03 UR-03 Essential: ITI electronics mechanic/ instrument mechanic/ technician electronics system design/ technician power electronics/ from a recognized Board. ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
8 Multi-Tasking Staff (MTS) - [Technical] 1 25 years 01 OBC-01 Essential: ITI electrician, electrician power distribution from a recognized Board. ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal
9 Junior Officer (on Contract basis) NA 30 years 01 NA
  1. Essential: Qualified Chartered Accountant (CA).
  2. Desirable: Experience of Working in Govt./PSU/Autonomous bodies/in the relevant area.
ARIES Manora Peak /Devasthal

The interested and eligible candidates can download the detailed notification mentioning all the details regarding eligibility criteria and may submit the application through online mode only, by clicking the tab "APPLY NOW". Applications other than online mode shall not be accepted. The last date of submission of the online application is 28th February 2023 14th March 2023. Please refer to the Insitute's website The candidates are advised to visit regularly our website for further changes/corrigendum. In addition to above, ARIES has a continuous series of opportunities for faculty positions against sanctioned and available vacant scientific positions and accepts applications throughout the year. Please refer to Institute's website. 

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