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Advertisement for Project Positions (Electronics)

Advt. for various Project Positions (Electronics)

Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences (ARIES) is an autonomous academic national institution under Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India dedicated to research in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Atmospheric Sciences. The Institute has its main campus in Manora Peak, Nainital and field station at Devasthal which is around 60 km from Nainital.

India has joined the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project, the next generation astronomical observatory that will be located on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. India’s participation in the TMT Project, led by the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP, Bengaluru, Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune and Aryabhatta Research Institute for Observational Sciences (ARIES), Nainital is coordinated by the India TMT Coordination Centre (ITCC) hosted at IIA, Bengaluru. The TMT project is an international partnership between California Institute of Technology (CalTech), Universities of California, Canada, Japan, China and India. More details about the project may be obtained from

The Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) will be the world’s most advanced ground-based observatory that will operate in optical and mid-infrared wavelengths. It will be equipped with the latest innovations in precision control, phased array of mirror segments and laser guide star assisted adaptive optics system. At the heart of the telescope is the segmented mirror, made up of 492 individual hexagonal segments, each 1.44-m in size. Precisely aligned, these segments will work as a single reflective surface of 30-m diameter. India is responsible for providing various critical hardware components and software to the telescope as part of in-kind contribution. Manufacturing of the sub-systems by Indian industry are at various stages.

Online applications are invited from dynamic and highly motivated individuals for the following positions to work at the ARIES Nainital:

S.No. Position No. of Post Monthly Remuneration Last Date Apply Now
1. Project Trainee (Electronics) 01 Rs. 30,000 (consolidated) 30-June-2022 Apply
2. Project Engineer – I (Electronics) 01 Rs. 65,000 (consolidated) 30-June-2022 Apply


  1. Duration: The candidates would be assessed after end of a year and would be continued based on their satisfactory performance and as per the requirement of the Project
  2. Place of Posting: The candidates selected will be posted to work in ARIES, Manora Peak, Nainital. However, the selected candidate should be ready to work in any of the participating Institutes of TMT Project depending on the requirement of the Project viz. ARIES, Nainital, Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIAP), Bengaluru and Inter University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune.
  3. Upper Age Limit: 26 years (as on the last date of receipt of application.
  4. The appointment is purely temporary on contract basis and does not confer any privilege or benefit applicable to regular employment. No claim whatsoever for regular  employment  in  the Institute shall be entertained.
  5. For Project Trainee (Electronics) the tenure of appointment is initially for one year, may continue till the duration of the project and for Project Engineer-I (Electronics) the tenure will be co-terminus with the project completion.
  6. Continuation of contract of appointment is subject to satisfactory performance of the candidate and requirement of the project as assessed by the Institute on annual basis.
  7. The remuneration indicated is a consolidated and is inclusive of all allowances.
  8. There will be annual increase in the remuneration based on satisfactory performance.
  9. The date of determining the upper age limit, qualifications and experience shall be the closing date prescribed for receipt of completed applications.
  10. Age relaxation is permissible to SC, ST & OBC candidates and also to physically handicapped candidate as notified by Government of India from time to time.
  11. Outstation candidates called for interview will  be  reimbursed  to-and-fro  train/bus fare by the shortest route limited to second sleeper class railway fare on production of tickets.
  12. The prescribed educational qualifications are minimum required and mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview. Where the number of applications received in response to the advertisement is large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to interview all those candidates, the Institute reserves the right to limit number of candidates to be called for  interview  on  the  basis of qualifications and experience higher than the minimum prescribed in the advertisement and also conducting written test.
  13. Candidates of Indian Nationality only can apply for this position.
  14. The  Institute  reserves  the  right  to  cancel  the  entire  recruitment  process  at   any time  without assigning any reasons whatsoever.
  15. No   correspondence   will   be   entertained   with   the   candidates   not   selected   for interview/appointment. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.
  16. Candidates meeting the above requirements and willing to be considered for the above said position may submit application through online only
  17. Misrepresentation  or  falsification  of  facts  detected  at  any  stage  of  the   selection process or instances of misconduct/ misbehavior  at  any  stage  during   selection process  shall  result  in cancellation   of   candidature   without   any   notice   and   no correspondence in  this  regard  shall  be entertained.


  1. Interested candidates can apply only through the ONLINE mode at the given link.
  2. Last Date for Application Submission: 30 June 2022.
  3. Candidates are required to upload their scanned Curriculum Vitae (CV), Date of Birth Proof, Educational Qualification, Experience and Community Certificates in the online application.
  4. Applications forwarded through any other means like by post, fax or e-mail will not be accepted.